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Cellosaurus Caco-2-ACE2 (CVCL_C9AR)

[Text version]
Cell line name Caco-2-ACE2
Accession CVCL_C9AR
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: Caco-2-ACE2 (RRID:CVCL_C9AR)
Comments Group: SARS-CoV-2 research cell line.
Population: Caucasian.
Knockout cell: Method=CRISPR/Cas9; HGNC; 13557; ACE2.
Transfected with: HGNC; 13557; ACE2.
Omics: CRISPR phenotypic screen.
Derived from site: In situ; Colon; UBERON=UBERON_0001155.
Sequence variations
  • Mutation; HGNC; 583; APC; Simple; p.Gln1367Ter (c.4099C>T); ClinVar=VCV000376060; Zygosity=Homozygous (from parent cell line).
  • Mutation; HGNC; 2514; CTNNB1; Simple; p.Gly245Ala (c.734G>C); Zygosity=Heterozygous (from parent cell line).
  • Mutation; HGNC; 6770; SMAD4; Simple; p.Asp351His (c.1051G>C); ClinVar=VCV000375998; Zygosity=Homozygous (from parent cell line).
  • Mutation; HGNC; 11998; TP53; Simple; p.Glu204Ter (c.610G>T); ClinVar=VCV000977783; Zygosity=Homozygous (from parent cell line).
Disease Colon adenocarcinoma (NCIt: C4349)
Species of origin Homo sapiens (Human) (NCBI Taxonomy: 9606)
Hierarchy Parent: CVCL_0025 (Caco-2)
Sex of cell Male
Age at sampling 72Y
Category Cancer cell line

PubMed=35879413; DOI=10.1038/s41588-022-01110-2
Rebendenne A., Roy P., Bonaventure B., Chaves Valadao A.L., Desmarets L.M.B., Arnaud-Arnould M., Rouille Y., Tauziet M., Giovannini D., Touhami J., Lee Y., DeWeirdt P., Hegde M., Urbach S., El Koulali K., de Gracia F.G., McKellar J., Dubuisson J., Wencker M., Belouzard S., Moncorge O., Doench J.G., Goujon C.
Bidirectional genome-wide CRISPR screens reveal host factors regulating SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV and seasonal HCoVs.
Nat. Genet. 54:1090-1102(2022)

CRISP screens repositories BioGRID_ORCS_Cell_line; 1691
Encyclopedic resources Wikidata; Q123030845
Entry history
Entry creation05-Oct-2023
Last entry update30-Jan-2024
Version number2