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Cellosaurus publication CLPUB00663

Publication number CLPUB00663
Authors Leckett B.
Title The selection, isolation, and characterization of a Chinese hamster lung fibroblast cell line resistant to an insulin-diphteria A-chain toxic conjugate molecule.
Citation Thesis PhD (1992), McGill University Montreal, Canada
Web pages https://escholarship.mcgill.ca/concern/theses/wp988k77t
Abstract The objective of this study was to determine how alterations in the insulin-receptor trafficking pathway affect ligand-dependent cellular action in Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts. Cell lines altered in their trafficking pathway were selected using a toxic insulin-diphtheria A-chain molecule (DTaI) which specifically interacts with the insulin receptor. One cell variant (IV-Al-j) which exhibited decreased insulin binding and enhanced insulin degradation did not demonstrate insulin or IGF-1 dependent cell proliferation. IV-Al-j cells also failed to produce an insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylated protein (pp175). IGF-1 binding, insulin-stimulated hexose uptake, epidermal growth factor and thrombin stimulated cell proliferation were unaltered in IV-Al-j cells. These results suggest that the insulin and IGF-1 receptor may share a common pathway post-ligand binding for cell proliferation which does not involve EGF or thrombin, and that enhanced insulin degradation and loss of pp175 may be responsible for the loss of insulin-stimulated cell proliferation.
Cell lines CVCL_B3UN; IV-A1-j