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Cellosaurus publication CLPUB00639

Publication number CLPUB00639
Authors Li X., Fukuda H.
Title In vitro culture of goldfish cell sensitive to goldfish herpesvirus.
Citation J. Shanghai Fish. Univ. 12:12-18(2003)
Web pages https://oversea.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFD&filename=SSDB200301003&dbname=CJFD2003
Abstract By using the technique of tissue culture, we successfully obtained the cell from goldfish fin, skin, eye, heart, spleen, spermary, swim bladder and kidney. Among them, GFF (cell from goldfish fin) has the strongest proliferating ability. Tests of high times dilution, decreasing the percent of newborn calf serum and freezing conservation with GFF indicate that high times dilution cell still have the normal proliferating ability; GFF can be cultured in H-MEM-5; after defrosting, GFF still maintained high proliferating ability and the cell survival rate is 85%. At the same time, GFF was inoculated with herpes virus of goldfish, after CPE appeared, the passaged virus was observed by electron microscope. The results indicate that GFF cell can sustain the propagation of herpes virus of goldfish, and this established the basis of researches about goldfish virus.
Cell lines CVCL_A8VV; GFF