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Cellosaurus publication CLPUB00511

Publication number CLPUB00511
Authors Bierkens J.G.E.A., Maes J., Ooms D., Collier M., Vangenechten C., Borremans B., van Vlasselaer P., Schoeters G.
Title Decreased acquisition of osteoblastic phenotype markers and increased response to interleukin-1 and parathyroid hormone in pre-osteoblast like cells under microgravity.
Citation (In) Life sciences research in space. Proceedings of the fifth European symposium held 26 September-1 October 1993 in Arcachon France, ESA SP-366; Oser H., Guyenne T.D. (eds.); pp.25-30; European Space Agency Publications Division; Noordwijk (1994)
Web pages https://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1994ESASP.366...25B
Abstract Some evidence exists that the response of bone to microgravity is osteoblast mediated. In order to test this hypothesis we have made a comparative study in space and on earth of the acquisition of early osteoblastic phenotype markers (ALP and Collagen type I) in a pre- osteoblastoid cell line MN7 mounted on a collagen matrix. In addition, the response of MN7 cells to two potent bone effectors. 11-1 (1 ng/ml) and FTH (10-7 M), was studied under micro- and unit gravity. The results show that although the proliferation of the MN7 cells is not affected by microgravity, differentiation as measured by the expression of ALP and collagep type I, is slowed down In contrast. interleukin-1 and PTH seem to elicit a larger response in space than on earth. These results may indicate that microgravity alters bone metabolism in space by a dual mode of action: (i) suppressed differentiation of pre-osteoblasts towards mature osteoblasts and (ii) an exaggerated response to bone resorption inducing effector molecules in osteoblasts.
Cell lines CVCL_WS34; MN7