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Cellosaurus publication CLPUB00421

Publication number CLPUB00421
Authors de Castro M.P.
Title The swine cell line IB-RS-11 and its strains.
Citation Cienc. Cult. 30:221-226(1978)
Web pages https://agris.fao.org/agris-search/search.do?recordID=BR19810598971
Abstract A new pig kidney cell line, IB-RS-11, and 6 cell strains derived therefrom, are described. After 17 months of continuous culture, without antibiotics, the cell line showed to belong to a diploid chromosome level but, apparently, two chromosome deletions created two markers. The cell line and its strains are shown to be susceptible to two cloned strains of FMD-V, although differences of susceptibility and permissivity were observed among the cell strains. Besides, results obtained suggest that the new cell line and AgC-19, a cytopathogenic strain of HCV, constitute a cell-virus system worthy of further studies.
Cell lines CVCL_UF34; IB-RS-11
CVCL_RX33; IB-RS-11 S6