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Cellosaurus publication CLPUB00128

Publication number CLPUB00128
Authors Al-Katib A., Abubakr Y.A., Mohamed A.N., Maki A., Djuric Z., Mohammad R.
Title Multiple mechanisms of drug resistance in anaplastic large cell lymphoma.
Citation Blood 84 Suppl. 1:638a-638a(1994)
Abstract Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) is a recently recognized category of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. It is characterized by pleiomorphic cell morphology, tendency to involve extranodal sites and expression of Ki-1 (CD30) antigen. In order to investigate the mechanism(s) of resistance in this class of lymphoma, we established a permanent cell line WSU-ALCL from a malignant pleural effusion occurrlng in an 18 year old patient with primary refractory ALCL. No growth factors or mitogens were added during the establishment of the cell line.
Cell lines CVCL_A036; WSU-ALCL