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Cellosaurus HUES 7 (CVCL_B205)

[Text version]
Cell line name HUES 7
Synonyms HUES-7; HUES7; HuES7; HVRDe007-A
Accession CVCL_B205
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: HUES 7 (RRID:CVCL_B205)
Comments From: Harvard University; Boston; USA.
Registration: NIH Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry; NIHhESC-10-0020.
Registration: UK Stem Cell Bank (UKSCB); R-05-035, Steering comm. appl. SCSC04-25(7).
Doubling time: 48 hours (PubMed=14999088).
Derived from site: In situ; Blastocyst; UBERON=UBERON_0000358.
Cell type: Embryonic stem cell; CL=CL_0002322.
HLA typing Source: PubMed=16919167
Class I
Class II
Species of origin Homo sapiens (Human) (NCBI Taxonomy: 9606)
Sex of cell Male
Age at sampling Blastocyst stage
Category Embryonic stem cell
STR profile Source(s): PubMed=16919167; PubMed=19200798

Penta D9,11
Penta E7,13

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PubMed=14999088; DOI=10.1056/NEJMsr040330
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PubMed=16919167; DOI=10.1186/1741-7007-4-28
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A molecular scheme for improved characterization of human embryonic stem cell lines.
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Adaptation to culture of human embryonic stem cells and oncogenesis in vivo.
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PubMed=17572666; DOI=10.1038/nbt1318
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Characterization of human embryonic stem cell lines by the International Stem Cell Initiative.
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Cell line databases/resources hPSCreg; HVRDe007-A
ISCR; 108
NIHhESC; NIHhESC-10-0020
SKIP; SKIP001485
SKIP; SKIP001911
TOKU-E; 4083
Encyclopedic resources Wikidata; Q54896812
Entry history
Entry creation06-Jun-2012
Last entry update29-Jun-2023
Version number22