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Cellosaurus RTH (CVCL_AZ91)

[Text version]
Cell line name RTH
Synonyms Rainbow Trout Heart
Accession CVCL_AZ91
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: RTH (RRID:CVCL_AZ91)
Comments Group: Fish cell line.
Virology: Susceptible to infection by viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) (PubMed=24698994).
Genetic integration: Method=Transfection/transduction; Gene=UniProtKB; P03077; Murine polyomavirus (strain A2) (MPyV) middle T antigen (PyMT).
Transformant: NCBI_TaxID; 10636; Murine polyomavirus (strain A2) (MPyV).
Derived from site: In situ; Heart; UBERON=UBERON_0000948.
Species of origin Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) (Salmo gairdneri) (NCBI Taxonomy: 8022)
Sex of cell Sex unspecified
Age at sampling Age unspecified
Category Transformed cell line

PubMed=24698994; DOI=10.1016/j.fsi.2014.03.027
Luque A., Gonzalez Granja A., Gonzalez L., Tafalla C.
Establishment and characterization of a rainbow trout heart endothelial cell line with susceptibility to viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV).
Fish Shellfish Immunol. 38:255-264(2014)

Cell line collections (Providers) ABM; T0444
Encyclopedic resources Wikidata; Q54951406
Entry history
Entry creation02-May-2016
Last entry update10-Sep-2024
Version number10