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Cellosaurus ASK (CVCL_4108)

[Text version]
Cell line name ASK
Synonyms Atlantic Salmon Kidney
Accession CVCL_4108
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: ASK (RRID:CVCL_4108)
Comments Group: Fish cell line.
Omics: Transcriptome analysis by microarray.
Derived from site: In situ; Kidney; UBERON=UBERON_0002113.
Species of origin Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon) (NCBI Taxonomy: 8030)
Sex of cell Female
Age at sampling Age unspecified
Category Spontaneously immortalized cell line

PubMed=10785858; DOI=10.3354/dao040009
Devold M.A., Krossoy B., Aspehaug V., Nylund A.
Use of RT-PCR for diagnosis of infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) in carrier sea trout Salmo trutta after experimental infection.
Dis. Aquat. Organ. 40:9-18(2000)

PubMed=15825496; DOI=10.1177/104063870501700209
Rolland J.B., Bouchard D., Coll J., Winton J.R.
Combined use of the ASK and SHK-1 cell lines to enhance the detection of infectious salmon anemia virus.
J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 17:151-157(2005)

PubMed=18534703; DOI=10.1016/j.virusres.2008.04.019
Schiotz B.L., Jorgensen S.M., Rexroad C.E. 3rd, Gjoen T., Krasnov A.
Transcriptomic analysis of responses to infectious salmon anemia virus infection in macrophage-like cells.
Virus Res. 136:65-74(2008)

PubMed=19941903; DOI=10.1016/j.jviromet.2009.11.022
Karger A., Bettin B., Lenk M., Mettenleiter T.C.
Rapid characterisation of cell cultures by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation mass spectrometric typing.
J. Virol. Methods 164:116-121(2010)

PubMed=30537062; DOI=10.1111/jfd.12921
Eckart V., Yamaguchi T., Franzke K., Bergmann S.M., Boudinot P., Quillet E., Kawanobe M., de Haro N.A., Fischer U.
New cell lines for efficient propagation of koi herpesvirus and infectious salmon anaemia virus.
J. Fish Dis. 42:181-187(2019)

Cell line collections (Providers) ATCC; CRL-2747
Cell line databases/resources CLO; CLO_0001755
Encyclopedic resources Wikidata; Q54750723
Gene expression databases GEO; GSM281567
GEO; GSM281568
GEO; GSM281569
GEO; GSM281570
GEO; GSM281571
GEO; GSM281572
Entry history
Entry creation04-Apr-2012
Last entry update05-Oct-2023
Version number14