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Cellosaurus LA-N-1 (CVCL_1827)

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Cell line name LA-N-1
Synonyms LAN-1; LAN1; Lan1
Accession CVCL_1827
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: LA-N-1 (RRID:CVCL_1827)
Comments Doubling time: ~100 hours (DSMZ=ACC-655); ~2 days (ECACC=06041201).
Omics: Array-based CGH.
Omics: SNP array analysis.
Omics: Transcriptome analysis by microarray.
Derived from site: Metastatic; Bone marrow; UBERON=UBERON_0002371.
Sequence variations
Disease Neuroblastoma (NCIt: C3270)
Neuroblastoma (ORDO: Orphanet_635)
Species of origin Homo sapiens (Human) (NCBI Taxonomy: 9606)
Hierarchy Children:
CVCL_2549 (LA1-5s)
Sex of cell Male
Age at sampling 2Y
Category Cancer cell line
STR profile Source(s): COG; DSMZ=ACC-655; ECACC=06041201; RCB=RCB0483

D7S82010 (COG)
10,11 (DSMZ=ACC-655; ECACC=06041201; RCB=RCB0483)
Penta D9,13
Penta E11,12

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Cell line collections (Providers) DSMZ; ACC-655
ECACC; 06041201
ICLC; HTL98005 - Discontinued
RCB; RCB0483
Cell line databases/resources CLO; CLO_0007240
CLO; CLO_0051542
cancercelllines; CVCL_1827
DSMZCellDive; ACC-655
TOKU-E; 4118
Anatomy/cell type resources BTO; BTO:0003542
Biological sample resources BioSample; SAMN03472327
BioSample; SAMN03473468
Encyclopedic resources Wikidata; Q54901875
Experimental variables resources EFO; EFO_0005391
Gene expression databases ArrayExpress; E-MTAB-783
GEO; GSM313802
GEO; GSM333797
GEO; GSM563355
GEO; GSM692872
GEO; GSM1366408
Polymorphism and mutation databases Cosmic; 801740
Cosmic; 920240
Cosmic; 947710
Cosmic; 1019927
Cosmic; 1037343
Cosmic; 1099140
Cosmic; 1109118
Cosmic; 1153781
Cosmic; 1153809
Cosmic; 1161991
Cosmic; 1167411
Cosmic; 1526627
Cosmic; 2131578
Cosmic; 2239461
Cosmic; 2301574
Cosmic; 2393635
Cosmic; 2485946
IARC_TP53; 21458
Progenetix; CVCL_1827
Entry history
Entry creation04-Apr-2012
Last entry update02-May-2024
Version number33