AC   CVCL_M023
DR   BioSample; SAMN03152003
DR   Wikidata; Q54808978
RX   PubMed=19050584;
RX   PubMed=21253487;
CC   Problematic cell line: Misidentified. Originally thought to be a human chordoma cell line but found to originate from mouse (PubMed=21253487).
CC   Registration: International Cell Line Authentication Committee, Register of Misidentified Cell Lines; ICLAC-00381.
OX   NCBI_TaxID=10090; ! Mus musculus (Mouse)
SX   Sex unspecified
AG   Age unspecified
CA   Undefined cell line type
DT   Created: 06-05-13; Last updated: 02-05-24; Version: 15
RX   PubMed=19050584; DOI=10.1097/BRS.0b013e31817e2d1e;
RA   Ostroumov E., Hunter C.J.;
RT   "Identifying mechanisms for therapeutic intervention in chordoma: c-Met
RT   oncoprotein.";
RL   Spine 33:2774-2780(2008).
RX   PubMed=21253487; DOI=10.1155/2010/630129;
RA   Bruderlein S., Sommer J.B., Meltzer P.S., Li S.-F., Osada T., Ng D.,
RA   Moller P., Alcorta D.A., Kelley M.J.;
RT   "Molecular characterization of putative chordoma cell lines.";
RL   Sarcoma 2010:630129.1-630129.14(2010).