ID   SC17.120
DR   Wikidata; Q116050246
RX   Patent=US10533051;
CC   Monoclonal antibody isotype: Not specified.
CC   Monoclonal antibody target: UniProtKB; Q53EL9; Human SEZ6.
OX   NCBI_TaxID=10090; ! Mus musculus (Mouse)
HI   CVCL_4032 ! P3X63Ag8.653
CA   Hybridoma
DT   Created: 15-12-22; Last updated: 21-03-23; Version: 2
RX   Patent=US10533051;
RA   Saunders L., Dylla S.J., Foord O., Stull R.A., Torgov M., Shao H.,
RA   Liu D.;
RT   "Anti SEZ6 antibodies and methods of use.";
RL   Patent number US10533051, 14-Jan-2020.