ID   KBM-7 P1-55
AC   CVCL_B253
SY   P1-55
DR   cancercelllines; CVCL_B253
DR   Wikidata; Q54899586
RX   DOI=10.1016/B978-0-12-221970-2.50457-5;
RX   PubMed=10527618;
CC   Group: Haploid karyotype cell line.
CC   Karyotypic information: Haploid except for a disomy of chromosome 8.
CC   Sequence variation: Gene fusion; HGNC; HGNC:76; ABL1 + HGNC; HGNC:1014; BCR; Name(s)=BCR-ABL1, BCR-ABL; Note=BCR exon 13 fused to ABL1 exon 2 (b2a2 transcript) (from parent cell line).
CC   Sequence variation: Mutation; HGNC; HGNC:11998; TP53; Simple; p.Ser215Gly (c.643A>G); ClinVar=VCV000265337; Zygosity=Hemizygous (from parent cell line).
CC   Derived from site: In situ; Bone marrow; UBERON=UBERON_0002371.
DI   NCIt; C3174; Chronic myelogenous leukemia, BCR-ABL1 positive
DI   ORDO; Orphanet_521; Chronic myeloid leukemia
OX   NCBI_TaxID=9606; ! Homo sapiens (Human)
HI   CVCL_A426 ! KBM-7
SX   Male
AG   40Y
CA   Cancer cell line
DT   Created: 06-06-12; Last updated: 19-12-24; Version: 21
RX   DOI=10.1016/B978-0-12-221970-2.50457-5;
RA   Drexler H.G.;
RT   "The leukemia-lymphoma cell line factsbook.";
RL   (In book) ISBN 9780122219702; pp.1-733; Academic Press; London; United Kingdom (2001).
RX   PubMed=10527618; DOI=10.1006/excr.1999.4656;
RA   Kotecki M., Reddy P.S., Cochran B.H.;
RT   "Isolation and characterization of a near-haploid human cell line.";
RL   Exp. Cell Res. 252:273-280(1999).