ID   182-D1106-061
SY   42E12
DR   Wikidata; Q107113142
RX   Patent=US10314890;
RX   Patent=US10738108;
CC   Group: Patented cell line.
CC   Registration: International Depositary Authority, Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen (DSMZ); ACC-2748.
CC   Monoclonal antibody isotype: Not specified.
CC   Monoclonal antibody target: UniProtKB; P56856; Human CLDN18 (Note=Isoform A2 = CLDN18.2).
OX   NCBI_TaxID=10090; ! Mus musculus (Mouse)
HI   CVCL_3412 ! P3X63Ag8U.1
CA   Hybridoma
DT   Created: 20-05-21; Last updated: 10-09-24; Version: 6
RX   Patent=US10314890;
RA   Sahin U., Tureci O., Mitnacht-Kraus R., Woll S., Jacobs S., Heinz C.;
RT   "Combination therapy involving antibodies against claudin 18.2 for
RT   treatment of cancer.";
RL   Patent number US10314890, 11-Jun-2019.
RX   Patent=US10738108;
RA   Sahin U., Tureci O., Usener D., Fritz S., Uherek C., Brandenburg G.,
RA   Geppert H.-G., Schroder A.K., Thiel P.;
RT   "Monoclonal antibodies against claudin-18 for treatment of cancer.";
RL   Patent number US10738108, 11-Aug-2020.