ID   MR1
AC   CVCL_8964
DR   CLO; CLO_0007861
DR   ATCC; CRL-2580
DR   ATCC; HB-11048
DR   CLS; 305000
DR   Wikidata; Q54906567
RX   Patent=US5683693;
CC   Group: Patented cell line.
CC   Registration: International Depositary Authority, American Type Culture Collection (ATCC); HB-11048.
CC   Monoclonal antibody isotype: IgG.
CC   Monoclonal antibody target: UniProtKB; P27548; Mouse Cd40lg/Cd154.
OX   NCBI_TaxID=3122392; ! Nothocricetulus migratorius (Gray dwarf hamster)
OX   NCBI_TaxID=10090; ! Mus musculus (Mouse)
HI   CVCL_2155 ! P3/NS1/1-Ag4.1
CA   Hybridoma
DT   Created: 06-06-12; Last updated: 10-09-24; Version: 12
RX   Patent=US5683693;
RA   Noelle R.J., Durie F.H., Parker D.C., Appel M.C., Phillips N.E.,
RA   Mordes J.P., Grenier D.L., Rossini A.A.;
RT   "Method for inducing T cell unresponsiveness to a tissue or organ
RT   graft with anti-CD40 ligand antibody or soluble CD40.";
RL   Patent number US5683693, 04-Nov-1997.