ID   HEC-50B
AC   CVCL_2929
SY   HEC50B; HEC-50 clone B; HEC-50; HEC50; Hec50
DR   ArrayExpress; E-MTAB-2770
DR   BioGRID_ORCS_Cell_line; 718
DR   BioSample; SAMN03470885
DR   BioSample; SAMN10987854
DR   cancercelllines; CVCL_2929
DR   Cell_Model_Passport; SIDM01614
DR   Cosmic; 1223491
DR   Cosmic; 1576459
DR   Cosmic; 1696760
DR   Cosmic; 2030471
DR   DepMap; ACH-000831
DR   GEO; GSM887073
DR   GEO; GSM888143
DR   LiGeA; CCLE_584
DR   PharmacoDB; HEC50B_529_2019
DR   Progenetix; CVCL_2929
DR   Wikidata; Q54882264
RX   DOI=10.1007/978-4-431-53981-0_1;
RX   PubMed=2064198;
RX   PubMed=10381137;
RX   PubMed=12893190;
RX   PubMed=15053063;
RX   PubMed=22460905;
RX   PubMed=22710073;
RX   PubMed=25877200;
RX   PubMed=26589293;
RX   PubMed=28196595;
RX   PubMed=30894373;
RX   PubMed=31068700;
RX   PubMed=31978347;
CC   Part of: Cancer Dependency Map project (DepMap) (includes Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia - CCLE).
CC   Part of: MD Anderson Cell Lines Project.
CC   Population: Japanese.
CC   Doubling time: 30.4 hours (PubMed=2064198).
CC   HLA typing: A*02:07,02:07; B*08:01,15:39; C*01:02:01:02; DQB1*03:02,06:01; DRB1*01:01,11:09 (PubMed=26589293).
CC   Sequence variation: Mutation; HGNC; HGNC:391; AKT1; Simple; p.Glu40Lys (c.118G>A); Zygosity=Homozygous (DepMap=ACH-000831).
CC   Sequence variation: Mutation; HGNC; HGNC:6407; KRAS; Simple; p.Gly12Asp (c.35G>A); ClinVar=VCV000012582; Zygosity=Homozygous (DepMap=ACH-000831).
CC   Omics: Deep exome analysis.
CC   Omics: Deep quantitative proteome analysis.
CC   Omics: Protein expression by reverse-phase protein arrays.
CC   Omics: SNP array analysis.
CC   Omics: Transcriptome analysis by microarray.
CC   Omics: Transcriptome analysis by RNAseq.
CC   Genome ancestry: African=0.78%; Native American=0%; East Asian, North=83.13%; East Asian, South=14.2%; South Asian=0%; European, North=0%; European, South=1.9% (PubMed=30894373).
CC   Discontinued: JCRB; NIHS0391; true.
CC   Derived from site: Metastatic; Ascites; UBERON=UBERON_0007795.
ST   Source(s): JCRB=JCRB1145; PubMed=25877200
ST   Amelogenin: X
ST   CSF1PO: 10,12
ST   D13S317: 9
ST   D16S539: 12
ST   D18S51: 14
ST   D19S433: 13
ST   D21S11: 30,31
ST   D2S1338: 23
ST   D3S1358: 15,16
ST   D5S818: 8
ST   D7S820: 12
ST   D8S1179: 10,15
ST   FGA: 20
ST   Penta D: 10
ST   Penta E: 5
ST   TH01: 9
ST   TPOX: 9
ST   vWA: 14
DI   NCIt; C39749; Type II endometrial adenocarcinoma
OX   NCBI_TaxID=9606; ! Homo sapiens (Human)
SX   Female
AG   Age unspecified
CA   Cancer cell line
DT   Created: 04-04-12; Last updated: 19-12-24; Version: 31
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