ID   SK-MM-2
AC   CVCL_1699
DR   CLO; CLO_0009050
DR   EFO; EFO_0005458
DR   ArrayExpress; E-MTAB-783
DR   ArrayExpress; E-MTAB-2706
DR   ArrayExpress; E-MTAB-2770
DR   ArrayExpress; E-MTAB-3610
DR   ArrayExpress; E-TABM-937
DR   BioSample; SAMN03472942
DR   BioSample; SAMN10988476
DR   cancercelllines; CVCL_1699
DR   Cell_Model_Passport; SIDM00391
DR   ChEMBL-Cells; CHEMBL3308277
DR   ChEMBL-Targets; CHEMBL2366232
DR   Cosmic; 720793
DR   Cosmic; 753612
DR   Cosmic; 2081408
DR   Cosmic; 2159573
DR   Cosmic; 2302409
DR   Cosmic; 2367263
DR   Cosmic; 2809766
DR   Cosmic-CLP; 753612
DR   DepMap; ACH-000363
DR   DSMZ; ACC-430
DR   DSMZCellDive; ACC-430
DR   EGA; EGAS00001000610
DR   EGA; EGAS00001000978
DR   GDSC; 753612
DR   GEO; GSM887591
DR   GEO; GSM888674
DR   GEO; GSM1374882
DR   GEO; GSM1670446
DR   IARC_TP53; 27241
DR   IARC_TP53; 28509
DR   LiGeA; CCLE_323
DR   PharmacoDB; SKMM2_1403_2019
DR   PRIDE; PXD030304
DR   Progenetix; CVCL_1699
DR   PubChem_Cell_line; CVCL_1699
DR   Wikidata; Q54954410
RX   CelloPub=CLPUB00604;
RX   DOI=10.1007/0-306-46877-8_4;
RX   DOI=10.1016/B978-0-12-221970-2.50457-5;
RX   PubMed=2506399;
RX   PubMed=8695815;
RX   PubMed=8943038;
RX   PubMed=10936422;
RX   PubMed=11157491;
RX   PubMed=17692805;
RX   PubMed=18647998;
RX   PubMed=20164919;
RX   PubMed=21173094;
RX   PubMed=22460905;
RX   PubMed=25485619;
RX   PubMed=25688540;
RX   PubMed=25877200;
RX   PubMed=25984343;
RX   PubMed=26589293;
RX   PubMed=27397505;
RX   PubMed=28196595;
RX   PubMed=30285677;
RX   PubMed=30545397;
RX   PubMed=30894373;
RX   PubMed=31068700;
RX   PubMed=32123307;
RX   PubMed=35839778;
CC   Part of: Cancer Dependency Map project (DepMap) (includes Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia - CCLE).
CC   Part of: COSMIC cell lines project.
CC   Part of: MD Anderson Cell Lines Project.
CC   From: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; New York; USA.
CC   Registration: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Office of Technology Development; SK1989-002.
CC   Population: Caucasian.
CC   Characteristics: Produces Ig kappa.
CC   Doubling time: 60 hours (PubMed=2506399); 85 hours (PubMed=25984343); ~100 hours (DSMZ=ACC-430).
CC   HLA typing: A*30,68; B*49,51; C*07,07 (PubMed=25688540).
CC   HLA typing: A*30:01,68:01; B*49:01,51:01; C*07:01,07:01 (PubMed=26589293).
CC   Microsatellite instability: Stable (MSS) (Sanger).
CC   Sequence variation: Gene fusion; HGNC; HGNC:1582; CCND1 + HGNC; HGNC:5477; IGH; Name(s)=IGH-CCND1 (PubMed=8695815).
CC   Sequence variation: Mutation; HGNC; HGNC:11998; TP53; Simple; p.Lys132Asn (c.396G>T); ClinVar=VCV000634773; Zygosity=Homozygous (PubMed=21173094; Cosmic-CLP=753612; DepMap=ACH-000363).
CC   Omics: Array-based CGH.
CC   Omics: Deep exome analysis.
CC   Omics: Deep quantitative proteome analysis.
CC   Omics: DNA methylation analysis.
CC   Omics: Protein expression by reverse-phase protein arrays.
CC   Omics: shRNA library screening.
CC   Omics: SNP array analysis.
CC   Omics: Transcriptome analysis by microarray.
CC   Omics: Transcriptome analysis by RNAseq.
CC   Genome ancestry: African=3.65%; Native American=0%; East Asian, North=2.84%; East Asian, South=0%; South Asian=3.06%; European, North=38.09%; European, South=52.35% (PubMed=30894373).
CC   Derived from site: In situ; Peripheral blood; UBERON=UBERON_0000178.
CC   Cell type: B-cell; CL=CL_0000236.
ST   Source(s): Cosmic-CLP=753612; DSMZ=ACC-430; PubMed=25877200
ST   Amelogenin: X
ST   CSF1PO: 10,12
ST   D13S317: 10
ST   D16S539: 11
ST   D18S51: 11 (PubMed=25877200)
ST   D18S51: 11,16 (DSMZ=ACC-430)
ST   D19S433: 14,15
ST   D21S11: 30,31.2
ST   D2S1338: 16,17
ST   D3S1358: 16
ST   D5S818: 9,11
ST   D7S820: 8,11
ST   D8S1179: 12,13
ST   FGA: 21
ST   Penta D: 11,15
ST   Penta E: 10,20
ST   TH01: 6
ST   TPOX: 8,11
ST   vWA: 14,20
DI   NCIt; C3242; Plasma cell myeloma
DI   ORDO; Orphanet_29073; Multiple myeloma
OX   NCBI_TaxID=9606; ! Homo sapiens (Human)
SX   Male
AG   54Y
CA   Cancer cell line
DT   Created: 04-04-12; Last updated: 19-12-24; Version: 43
RX   CelloPub=CLPUB00604;
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RA   Kuehl W.M.;
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RT   from the molecular classification of human myeloma cell lines.";
RL   Haematologica 96:574-582(2011).
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RA   Porter J., Warmuth M., Finan P., Harris J.L., Meyerson M.L., Golub T.R.,
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RT   "The Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia enables predictive modelling of
RT   anticancer drug sensitivity.";
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RT   "A comprehensive transcriptional portrait of human cancer cell
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RT   "A simple flow cytometry-based barcode for routine authentication of
RT   multiple myeloma and mantle cell lymphoma cell lines.";
RL   Cytometry A 87:285-288(2015).
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RT   "A resource for cell line authentication, annotation and quality
RT   control.";
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RA   Golub T.R., Root D.E., Hahn W.C.;
RT   "Parallel genome-scale loss of function screens in 216 cancer cell
RT   lines for the identification of context-specific genetic
RT   dependencies.";
RL   Sci. Data 1:140035-140035(2014).
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RT   "TCLP: an online cancer cell line catalogue integrating HLA type,
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RL   Genome Med. 7:118.1-118.7(2015).
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RT   "Characterization of human cancer cell lines by reverse-phase protein
RT   arrays.";
RL   Cancer Cell 31:225-239(2017).
RX   PubMed=30285677; DOI=10.1186/s12885-018-4840-5; PMCID=PMC6167786;
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RA   Xiao J.-F., Loh X.-Y., Xu L., Lill M., Mayakonda A., Lin D.-C.,
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RT   "Profiling the B/T cell receptor repertoire of lymphocyte derived cell
RT   lines.";
RL   BMC Cancer 18:940.1-940.13(2018).
RX   PubMed=30545397; DOI=10.1186/s13045-018-0679-0; PMCID=PMC6293660;
RA   Tessoulin B., Moreau-Aubry A., Descamps G., Gomez-Bougie P., Maiga S.,
RA   Gaignard A., Chiron D., Menoret E., Le Gouill S., Moreau P., Amiot M.,
RA   Pellat-Deceunynck C.;
RT   "Whole-exon sequencing of human myeloma cell lines shows mutations
RT   related to myeloma patients at relapse with major hits in the DNA
RT   regulation and repair pathways.";
RL   J. Hematol. Oncol. 11:137.1-137.13(2018).
RX   PubMed=30894373; DOI=10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-18-2747; PMCID=PMC6445675;
RA   Dutil J., Chen Z.-H., Monteiro A.N.A., Teer J.K., Eschrich S.A.;
RT   "An interactive resource to probe genetic diversity and estimated
RT   ancestry in cancer cell lines.";
RL   Cancer Res. 79:1263-1273(2019).
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RA   Ghandi M., Huang F.W., Jane-Valbuena J., Kryukov G.V., Lo C.C.,
RA   McDonald E.R. 3rd, Barretina J.G., Gelfand E.T., Bielski C.M., Li H.-X.,
RA   Hu K., Andreev-Drakhlin A.Y., Kim J., Hess J.M., Haas B.J., Aguet F.,
RA   Weir B.A., Rothberg M.V., Paolella B.R., Lawrence M.S., Akbani R.,
RA   Lu Y.-L., Tiv H.L., Gokhale P.C., de Weck A., Mansour A.A., Oh C.,
RA   Shih J., Hadi K., Rosen Y., Bistline J., Venkatesan K., Reddy A.,
RA   Sonkin D., Liu M., Lehar J., Korn J.M., Porter D.A., Jones M.D.,
RA   Golji J., Caponigro G., Taylor J.E., Dunning C.M., Creech A.L.,
RA   Warren A.C., McFarland J.M., Zamanighomi M., Kauffmann A.,
RA   Stransky N., Imielinski M., Maruvka Y.E., Cherniack A.D.,
RA   Tsherniak A., Vazquez F., Jaffe J.D., Lane A.A., Weinstock D.M.,
RA   Johannessen C.M., Morrissey M.P., Stegmeier F., Schlegel R.,
RA   Hahn W.C., Getz G., Mills G.B., Boehm J.S., Golub T.R., Garraway L.A.,
RA   Sellers W.R.;
RT   "Next-generation characterization of the Cancer Cell Line
RT   Encyclopedia.";
RL   Nature 569:503-508(2019).
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RA   Sarin V., Yu K., Ferguson I.D., Gugliemini O., Nix M.A., Hann B.,
RA   Sirota M., Wiita A.P.;
RT   "Evaluating the efficacy of multiple myeloma cell lines as models for
RT   patient tumors via transcriptomic correlation analysis.";
RL   Leukemia 34:2754-2765(2020).
RX   PubMed=35839778; DOI=10.1016/j.ccell.2022.06.010; PMCID=PMC9387775;
RA   Goncalves E., Poulos R.C., Cai Z.-X., Barthorpe S., Manda S.S., Lucas N.,
RA   Beck A., Bucio-Noble D., Dausmann M., Hall C., Hecker M., Koh J.,
RA   Lightfoot H., Mahboob S., Mali I., Morris J., Richardson L.,
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RA   Williams S.G., Wu Y.-X., Xavier D., MacKenzie K.L., Hains P.G., Tully B.,
RA   Robinson P.J., Zhong Q., Garnett M.J., Reddel R.R.;
RT   "Pan-cancer proteomic map of 949 human cell lines.";
RL   Cancer Cell 40:835-849.e8(2022).