ID   OAW42
AC   CVCL_1615
SY   OAW-42; OAW 42
DR   CLO; CLO_0008229
DR   EFO; EFO_0006705
DR   CLDB; cl3757
DR   ArrayExpress; E-MTAB-783
DR   ArrayExpress; E-MTAB-2706
DR   ArrayExpress; E-MTAB-2770
DR   ArrayExpress; E-MTAB-3610
DR   BioGRID_ORCS_Cell_line; 971
DR   BioSample; SAMN03472455
DR   BioSample; SAMN10988015
DR   cancercelllines; CVCL_1615
DR   Cell_Model_Passport; SIDM00480
DR   ChEMBL-Cells; CHEMBL3308397
DR   ChEMBL-Targets; CHEMBL1075554
DR   CLS; 300304
DR   Cosmic; 688103
DR   Cosmic; 910548
DR   Cosmic; 1609537
DR   Cosmic; 1707560
DR   Cosmic-CLP; 910548
DR   DepMap; ACH-000704
DR   ECACC; 85073102
DR   EGA; EGAS00001000610
DR   EGA; EGAS00001000978
DR   GDSC; 910548
DR   GEO; GSM313710
DR   GEO; GSM659384
DR   GEO; GSM711697
DR   GEO; GSM827350
DR   GEO; GSM887465
DR   GEO; GSM888545
DR   GEO; GSM1291144
DR   GEO; GSM1374779
DR   GEO; GSM1670293
DR   GEO; GSM2474978
DR   IARC_TP53; 21594
DR   LiGeA; CCLE_343
DR   PharmacoDB; OAW42_1179_2019
DR   PRIDE; PXD030304
DR   Progenetix; CVCL_1615
DR   PubChem_Cell_line; CVCL_1615
DR   Wikidata; Q54931685
RX   PubMed=2653399;
RX   PubMed=6744227;
RX   PubMed=8795574;
RX   PubMed=11414198;
RX   PubMed=20164919;
RX   PubMed=20215515;
RX   PubMed=22460905;
RX   PubMed=23415752;
RX   PubMed=23839242;
RX   PubMed=25230021;
RX   PubMed=25485619;
RX   PubMed=25877200;
RX   PubMed=25984343;
RX   PubMed=26589293;
RX   PubMed=27397505;
RX   PubMed=28196595;
RX   PubMed=28273451;
RX   PubMed=30485824;
RX   PubMed=30894373;
RX   PubMed=30971826;
RX   PubMed=31068700;
RX   PubMed=35839778;
CC   Part of: Cancer Dependency Map project (DepMap) (includes Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia - CCLE).
CC   Part of: COSMIC cell lines project.
CC   Part of: KuDOS 95 cell line panel.
CC   Part of: MD Anderson Cell Lines Project.
CC   Part of: OCCP ovarian cancer cell line panel.
CC   Population: Caucasian.
CC   Doubling time: 19 hours (PubMed=2653399); ~34 hours (Note=At 97th passage) (PubMed=8795574); 40 hours (PubMed=25984343); 25-30 hours (CLS=300304); 28.75 hours (JWGray panel).
CC   HLA typing: A*03:01,03:01; B*07:02,18:01; C*05:01,07:02; DQB1*05:01,05:01; DRB1*01:01 (PubMed=26589293).
CC   Microsatellite instability: Stable (MSS) (Sanger).
CC   Sequence variation: Mutation; HGNC; HGNC:8975; PIK3CA; Simple; p.His1047Leu (c.3140A>T); ClinVar=VCV000013653; Zygosity=Unspecified (PubMed=25230021; PubMed=28273451).
CC   Sequence variation: Mutation; HGNC; HGNC:11998; TP53; None_reported; -; Zygosity=- (PubMed=25230021).
CC   Omics: CRISPR phenotypic screen.
CC   Omics: Deep exome analysis.
CC   Omics: Deep quantitative proteome analysis.
CC   Omics: DNA methylation analysis.
CC   Omics: Genome sequenced.
CC   Omics: Protein expression by reverse-phase protein arrays.
CC   Omics: shRNA library screening.
CC   Omics: SNP array analysis.
CC   Omics: Transcriptome analysis by microarray.
CC   Omics: Transcriptome analysis by RNAseq.
CC   Genome ancestry: African=2.28%; Native American=0%; East Asian, North=3.68%; East Asian, South=0%; South Asian=0%; European, North=61.75%; European, South=32.29% (PubMed=30894373).
CC   Derived from site: Metastatic; Ascites; UBERON=UBERON_0007795.
ST   Source(s): CLS=300304; Cosmic-CLP=910548; ECACC=85073102; PubMed=25230021; PubMed=25877200; PubMed=30485824; Technion Genomics Center
ST   Amelogenin: X
ST   CSF1PO: 11
ST   D10S1248: 13
ST   D12S391: 18.3,21
ST   D13S317: 11
ST   D16S539: 12,13
ST   D18S51: 16,21
ST   D19S433: 13,14
ST   D1S1656: 11,12
ST   D21S11: 26
ST   D22S1045: 15,16
ST   D2S1338: 17
ST   D2S441: 12,14
ST   D3S1358: 15,16
ST   D5S818: 11,12
ST   D7S820: 8
ST   D8S1179: 13
ST   FGA: 22,25
ST   Penta D: 10
ST   Penta E: 12
ST   TH01: 6,7
ST   TPOX: 8,11
ST   vWA: 14,16 (PubMed=25230021)
ST   vWA: 15,16 (CLS=300304; Cosmic-CLP=910548; ECACC=85073102; PubMed=25877200; PubMed=30485824; Technion Genomics Center)
DI   NCIt; C7978; Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma
OX   NCBI_TaxID=9606; ! Homo sapiens (Human)
SX   Female
AG   46Y
CA   Cancer cell line
DT   Created: 04-04-12; Last updated: 19-12-24; Version: 44
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RT   "Integrated genomic, epigenomic, and expression analyses of ovarian
RT   cancer cell lines.";
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RT   "An interactive resource to probe genetic diversity and estimated
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