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Cellosaurus RD-8 (CVCL_UZ75)

[Text version]
Cell line name RD-8
Accession CVCL_UZ75
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: RD-8 (RRID:CVCL_UZ75)
Comments Group: Insect cell line.
Derived from site: In situ; Whole embryo; UBERON=UBERON_0000922.
Species of origin Recilia dorsalis (Zigzag leafhopper) (Maiestas dorsalis) (NCBI Taxonomy: 1582033)
Sex of cell Sex unspecified
Age at sampling Embryonic stage
Category Spontaneously immortalized cell line

Kimura I., Omura T.
Leafhopper cell cultures as a means for phytoreovirus research.
Adv. Dis. Vector Res. 5:111-135(1988)

Kimura I.
Establishment of cell lines of vector insects, and infection of these cell monolayers with rice dwarf virus (RDV).
(In book chapter) Invertebrate and fish tissue culture; Kuroda Y., Kurstak E., Maramorosch K. (eds.); pp.274-277; Japan Sci. Soc.; Tokyo; Japan (1988)

Encyclopedic resources Wikidata; Q98128887
Entry history
Entry creation25-Feb-2019
Last entry update29-Jun-2023
Version number5